Internet Download Manager 1 PC
It is compatible with Windows 10. Also, you can use it with different browsers including Internet Explorer 11, all Mozilla Firefox versions up to Mozilla Firefox Aurora, Google Chrome. Improved FLV grabber to save videos from web players on web pages, Google Video, MySpace TV, and other popular sites.

Fast and Easy work
By using IDM, increase download speeds by up to 5 times. Also, resume and schedule downloads. Due to simple graphical user interface makes IDM user-friendly and easy to use.

Don’t worry about losing connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. It will restart broken or interrupted downloads.
Best acceleration performance
IDM accelerates your downloads by dividing your download into multipart and a smart download logic accelerator. This manager downloads files dynamically and reuses available connections without additional. So it is different from other download accelerators.

Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, FTP and HTTP protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing.

Set time
Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it’s done.
Features of Internet Download Manager 1 PC

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Users of IDM claim that Internet Download Manager 1 PC, accelerates downloading their favorite software, games, cd, DVD and mp3 music, movies, shareware, and freeware programs perfectly.