SoftKeyCenter's comprehensive

Discount coupons

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SoftKeyCenter’s Discount coupons

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What is Softkeycenter’s comprehensive coupon

This coupon is like a code that when you enter it on your account you will receive a discount on all our website products. You can receive this coupon from our affiliate partners or group discount centers. Once you enter it on the website your account gets a discount permanently. Stay with us to learn about how to use it.


1. Check product prices before you use a coupon to be sure about coupons are working correctly.

2. Sign in to your account and if you don’t register yet, register here: My Account.

Or click on the Login/Register button from the menu.

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3. Click on Account and then User from Menu. On the page that will be opened, go to Redeem Coupon on the left sidebar.

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If you see this message ” Customer discount roll has been assigned to you by … before” means that you have entered a coupon once before or our affiliate partner entered your name and sent Email on “Friends invitation form by email” part or you have clicked on an invitation link and registered on our website so comprehensive coupon had been applied automatically.

4. Apply your coupon on the corresponded field, then click on the Redeem button.

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5. You will receive this message “Coupon registered successfully” that shows the coupon was applied on all prices and you can see new pricing.

6. Now check website prices again to see new prices with a wonderful discount.

Before applying coupon
After applying coupon

Some tips of Softkeycenter’s coupon

  • This section is for applying Softkeycenter comprehensive discount coupons on all products.
  • After applying the coupon in this section, you will get a special discount on all the products of the website.
  • If you have already added a product to your cart, delete it and add it again for a discount.
  • You can get the coupons of this section from the co-worker group discount sites, or one of our affiliate partners will give you this coupon as a gift or introduce you.