Reset the Bitdefender product password

December 16, 2020

How to reset the Bitdefender product password?

If you protect your Bitdefender settings with a specific password (Under Settings → General )

Reset the Bitdefender product password - 1

, so, anyone who wants to change the Bitdefender settings must first provide that password. it is recommended to remember your password or keep a record of it in a safe place. If you forget the password, you must reinstall Bitdefender or follow the steps below in order to reset it:

1. Download (save) on your PC the password reset tool from here.

2. Restart Windows in Safe Mode. You can use this article to know how to start your Windows PC in safe mode.

3. In Safe Mode, right-click on the tool downloaded at step 1 and then select Run as Administrator.

Reset the Bitdefender product password - 1

4. Click Run if a window is prompted.

Reset the Bitdefender product password - 1

5. A command prompt window will open. Wait until the Finished message appears.

6. Press any key to complete the process.

Reset the Bitdefender product password - 1

7. Restart the PC normally and you will be able to make changes in the Bitdefender interface without being prompted for a password.


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